Offerings to inspire, transform + heal.
Join us to expand your horizons.
with Jenn Thomas
Saturday, March 15 | 3:00-5:30pm
The final of 4 Saturday opportunities to practice with the
themes of yin + yang.
Equinox | Steadiness in Chaos
Inner Balance + Outer Becoming
An afternoon of Yin + Yang Yoga
This practice is dedicated to exploring expansion from + with balance. Borrowing from + maintaining the foundations we anchored in during the winter will allow us to look with awareness and rest into the movement of Spring now underway: what earths us, grows us, + supports us.
The equinox reminds us that ALL comes into play.
Wood element
Spring season
Liver + Gall Bladder meridians
Judgement/Anger/Justice + Flexibility/Compassion/
This season is rampant with potential, it’s easy to get lost in the chaotic bloom of energy...
Join Jenn Thomas for a wild, resonant, bounteous adventure of Yin + Yang into the soul of being. Find quiet balance alongside expansive vitality. Let in your knowing of the next, just right moves for your necessary growth.
A long and rich afternoon of slowness, dedicated to the matrix of fascia + deep physical connections. A fluency of body, ignited by stimulating + resting, in turn, in very simple shapes. Long-held floor poses are the medium; awareness + inquiry, the method; insightful connection to self + what is, the outcome. Think of it as magical... come + see!
If you are able, please join Jenn in supporting the growth and vitality of the All That Matters Yoga + Wellness community with an additional donation:
Purchase this workshop for:
$59 (your ticket PLUS a $10 donation) or
$69 (your ticket PLUS a $20 donation)
Any amount over the base $49 ticket goes directly towards our scholarship fund.
You can also donate directly on the ATMY+W fundraising platform, Better World.
with Amy Hagan + Mel Wegimont
Tuesday, March 18 | 1:00-4:00pm
Join Amy Hagan & Mel Wegimont for a mindful hike at the
John H. Chafee Nature Preserve, (Rome Point Trail) in North Kingstown. Beyond hiking, we will meditate and enjoy a yoga practice and poetry in nature. Expect about 2.5 miles of hiking on rocky terrain.
Hiking shoes or good sneakers are recommended.
Join us at the start of Rome Point Trail — bring water, a snack, and a towel to sit on during meditation. Rome Point is a great place to view seals -- bring your binoculars, we just might see a few!
Inclement weather:
Light rain, we will still hike! If it is unsafe to be outdoors, we will cancel. All registered students will be notified.
with Sheri Silva
With the arrival of the Vernal Equinox, let’s gather and celebrate BEAUTY!
The Sacred Feminine is rising and BEAUTY is her way.
Join us for ...
Dress comfortably for the day (make sure you feel beautiful in what you wear), bring a journal, yoga mat, and eye pillow, cloth, or scarf
to cover your eyes.
As part of creating sacred space together, we will also make a splendid altar! Please bring objects of BEAUTY. (Stones, shells, flowers, or anything of personal value will be returned to you at the end of the day.)
Bring a dear sister, friend or deeply loved woman in your life. Let’s gather. All women are welcome here. We value your presence.
Member Discount 10% (applied automatically)
Repeat students who have taken one of Sheri's previous Shakti Immersion Retreats: $99. Please call 401.409.2121 to receive the repeat student discount.
with Sheri Silva
Transformational: able to produce a big change or improvement in a situation
Breathwork: conscious, controlled breathing done especially for relaxation, meditation, or therapeutic purposes
This is Energy Medicine at its best.
Breathwork supports you in creating a conscious, kind, and intimate relationship with yourself and the universal energy flow that moves through all of creation.
In this workshop, Sheri Silva will guide you in a two-part, high ventilation, breathing exercise. The conscious control of the breath influences the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states, producing a therapeutic effect on your body, mind, and spirit.
Every breath session is unique to the individual and no two breath sessions are the same.
This is a meditation.
Clear emotional debris from your body and shine the mirror of your soul.
Learn to hold yourself through difficulty, triggers, and activations with love and grace. You will feel amazing!
Please bring a journal, yoga mat, and eye pillow (if available).
with Kerry Puniello
Tuesday, March 25 | 6:15pm-8:00pm
Join Kerry, ATMY+W’s Holistic Therapeutic Coach and Yoga Teacher for a mindful, loving, and exploratory process bringing awareness to your energy and consciousness while in relationship with your significant other. You will dive into your body’s wisdom and explore opportunities for healing and transformation through physical movement, cognitive processing, and dyad sharing.
As you explore and play with relational boundaries, physical support, touch, massage, eye contact, mirroring, and other intentional somatic-based exercises, you will be encouraged to shift out of your head and into your body, tracking the feltsense of being in relationship with another while sustaining connection to yourself. Journaling prompts, and discussions will concurrently support you in cultivating a deeper sense of yourself while fostering authenticity, and vulnerability in the context of your relationship.
Beginning to lovingly understand how you operate in relationship will allow you to actively choose how you want to engage with another, rather than being driven by your historical experiences (avoidance, fear, out-dated coping mechanisms, old narratives, habits, etc…). These past experiences can be linked to the ways in which you might defend against intimacy today with self-imposed limitations, negative beliefs, or self-idealized images. With an open and curious mindset you will explore and begin to metabolize and transform challenges into opportunities for awareness, empowerment, vulnerability, compassion, courage, and love.
No yoga experience is necessary, physical limitations can be privately discussed, and all hands-on assists are optional.
Please wear comfortable clothing to allow for movement, and bring a journal, pen, water bottle, and yoga mat
For more information about Holistic Therapeutic Coaching, visit
From past participants...
“It is a wonderful experience for any couple to have and can bring greater depth.”
“I learned how we can help each other shift from thinking into feeling state. Give it a chance.”
“This class was beneficial to connect in a new and open, emotional and fun way. Attending is much worth it.”
“This class helped me to connect with my partner way deeper than I have. Do it! Be vulnerable and get to know yourself and your partner.”
Please register yourself online, then CALL (401/409-2121) or
EMAIL the front desk to register your partner.
with a rotating Inner Light Meditation Teacher
Science continues to reveal the amazing and fantastic health benefits that meditation offers for Body, Mind, and Spirit such as: reduced stress, lower blood pressure and improved concentration.
Meditation can also enhance immune function, stabilize emotions, increase calmness, improve memory, inspire
creativity and create more balance and harmony in your life.
These classes will teach “Inner Light Meditation” which is an ancient and powerful technique designed to elevate the consciousness and increase our awareness of our true inner self; that is not our body nor our mind. There are no restrictions on age, health status, fitness
or flexibility.
The classes are taught by students of Inner Light Meditation
with years of experience.
All are welcome to join us for this FREE monthly offering!
A Three-Day Program* with internationally acclaimed yoga teacher, author, musician, and founder of Ashaya Yoga, Todd Norian.
Friday, March 28 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Saturday, March 29 | 10:00 am - 12:30 pm + 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Sunday, March 30 | 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Choose the full 3-day program or individual sessions a la carte!
You are worthy to live your dream!
After the challenges of the past few years, including a global pandemic, it's natural to feel as though something important has been lost. Maybe the dreams you once held no longer seem relevant. Perhaps you find yourself searching for ways to reconnect – with yourself, with others, and with life. We’ve changed. Life has changed.
Tantra asks three questions:
What does your heart most deeply desire?
What value does that hold for you?
What are you prepared to do about it?
If you’re feeling adrift, uncertain, or in need of fresh inspiration, this workshop is for you. Now is the time to reconnect to yourself and return home to your heart! Now is the time for deep yoga!
Purna is the Sanskrit word for “fullness,” “wholeness,” and “perfection.” This cosmic form of fullness is so full that it includes lack; it is so sublimely perfect that it includes imperfection; and it is full of so much love that it includes all that is not love.
Tantra is the path of radical affirmation where we are perfectly imperfect just as we are. Where we are already whole and complete, though we may be asleep to this fact, doubting and resisting it.
So, what are you waiting for? Now is the only time you have to live your dream.
During this workshop, you will:
By the end of the weekend, you will have a renewed sense of unlimited happiness and the enthusiasm to bring more joy
into the world.
Ashaya Yoga is an accessible, therapeutic, and safe practice for all levels of beginners to advanced yogis. Modifications are offered and you are encouraged to go at your own pace.
Day 1 | The Power of Purpose: Getting Clear About What You Want
Purpose is our north star. When our mind is clear and calm, we are able to hear the whisper of our soul. We introduce the three Tantric questions as a way to tune into and clarify our purpose. Practice includes gentle stretches, partner work, a restorative pose, mantra chanting, meditation, journal writing, and group sharing.
Day 2 | The Power of Passion: Doing What Lights You Up
Passion is the heart of the practice. What lights you up in life? What moves you? Practice includes standing poses, hip openers, core-strengtheners, backbends, twists, partner work, journal writing, and a deep relaxation.
Listen to the Call of Your Heart: Passion Born of Stillness
In order to hear your own heart, you have to get still. Practice includes quiet poses, hip openers, leg stretches, twists, chanting, pranayama, meditation, and a deep guided Yoga Nidra healing journey.
Day 3 | Purnatva: Fulfillment through Purpose, Passion, and Power | Includes yoga therapeutics for the shoulders, neck, and upper back
Purpose guides our way forward. Passion fuels us. And power is our capacity to act. During this session, you’ll discover that you are worthy to live your dream and find complete happiness beyond
your wildest imagination.
Practice includes up-tempo warmups, standing poses, core work, hip openers, backbends, twists, a deep relaxation, journal writing, and group sharing to integrate your insights from the weekend. Release shoulder and neck strain and restore your natural ease of movement. Practice therapeutic poses with the precise, step-by-step instruction of Ashaya Yoga making every posture accessible and easeful. End with a profoundly relaxing restorative pose where you let your burdens go.
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Units available for this session.
10 hours for the full weekend!
Full Program Price: $295
ATMY+W Member Discount 10%
Individual Sessions a la carte:
A La Carte sessions:
Friday $65
Saturday $80 per session
Sunday $95
Space is limited. Register now!
Purchase the full weekend package and save $25 off a la carte pricing for individual sessions.
with Stephanie Marisca
Friday, March 28 | 7:00-8:00pm
Friday, April 25 | 7:00-8:00pm
Friday, August 29 | 7:00-8:00pm
Friday, September 26 | 7:00-8:00pm
Friday, October 24 | 7:00-8:00pm
Friday, November 21 | 7:00-8:00pm
Friday, December 19 | 7:00-8:00pm
Get your gong on! We are excited to welcome Stephanie Marisca to All That Matters yoga + wellness to offer us this deep sound relaxation. Experience the vibrational healing of the bronze gong
and Tibetan singing bowls.
You will lie down or sit comfortably and begin with mindful relaxed breathing holding a personal or group intention. Then, the gong playing begins. At first you hear soft gong sounds and as you listen carefully, you become aware of the many tones within one sound. The sounds become louder and louder washing over and around you, creating waves of sound that carry you into the past, the future, and even to other worlds. Many people experience something noticeable during a meditative Gong Bath; it can range from feeling their bodies twitch (as the energy meridians are cleared and balanced), seeing amazing splashes of color behind their closed eyes,
past life recollections in full detail, a feeling of lifting out of their bodies and watching from above, to simply a feeling
of total peace and connectedness.
Whatever your experience, it will be the perfect experience
unique to you!
Join us for this sound meditation circle, and leave feeling rested, relaxed and rejuvenated.
PLAN AHEAD: Please bring: a yoga mat, blanket, or padding to make yourself comfortable.
5-Bath passes are back! If you're a regular attendee,
consider a 5 pass for $100
Early registration is strongly recommended as these events tend to fill!
with Julianne Eanniello
Wednesday, April 9 | 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Chronic stress can trigger our body’s fight, flight, or freeze response, keeping us in a state of heightened tension and arousal.
Whether it’s due to ongoing stressful situations or past traumatic experiences, our nervous systems can become dysregulated,
impacting our overall health and quality of life.
TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercises) is a somatic method developed by Dr. David Berceli to restore balance on the mental, physical and emotional level. It helps release deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma through inducing a natural, neurogenic tremoring response in the body. TRE is a safe, gentle, therapeutic practice that calms and balances the nervous system,
and it feels good while you’re doing it!
The benefits of TRE are wide-ranging and transformative, including:
Julianne generously offers this workshop for FREE so that more students can experience these practices.
Attendance is limited to maintain the integrity of the offerings.
If you cannot attend, please notify us by phone: 401.409.2121 or email:
with Morgan Huling
Friday, April 11 | 6:30 - 9:30 pm
"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha
Experience the present moment and explore your own inner landscape through gentle movement, easeful breath, supported rest,
and guided relaxation.
A deeply healing practice, restorative yoga gives the space and guidance for slowing down, relaxing the body, and finding quiet within the mind. In restorative yoga poses, we practice lying passively over props such as blankets and bolsters, allowing the body to be fully held without having to exert any effort. Gentle movement is woven throughout the practice to release tension and encourage a flow of nourishing energy throughout the body and mind.
In this special springtime mini-retreat, we'll sink into a soft and sacred space of stillness to explore the energy of renewal that the season has to offer. Heart opening and gently expansive poses will support us in blossoming open like springtime flowers, and embracing growth in any way that serves us.
This quiet and receptive practice is beneficial for all, especially in times of stress or when in need of replenishment. Conscious relaxation balances the nervous system, alleviating stress and allowing us to surrender layers of deeply held tension to create an environment of healing in the body and mind. Join us to relax, restore, and nourish yourself in a warm cocoon of self-care.
Note: Essential oils and hands-on support (think a gentle press or massage) are incorporated into the evening. Both are optional, but for those very sensitive to essential oils please be aware that the scents may carry.
Pregnant people are more than welcome. Please call in advance to let us know, so that we can make sure to prepare with pose options and extra support for your safety and comfort.
If you are able, please join Morgan in supporting the growth and vitality of the All That Matters Yoga + Wellness community with an additional donation:
Purchase this workshop for $70, $80, or $90, and any amount over the base $60 ticket goes directly to our nonprofit.
You can also donate directly on the ATMY+W fundraising platform, Better World.
with the Sangita Sisters
Saturday, April 12 | 6:00 - 8:00 pm
The Shala at ATMY+W | 329 Main Street
Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion and is often practiced
via kirtan – or chanting.
Kirtan is a call and response of Sanskrit chants or mantras.
The chanting is accompanied by guitar, drums, and often a harmonium. Songs are simple – just a few lines repeated over,
and over, and over. In the repeating of these words, something truly magical happens; the pranic body begins to awaken.
This is the subtle energy layer that we begin to tune into and directly experience when we practice yoga. It moves and transforms energy from the environment into life force energy
(another example of this would be breath work, or pranayama.)
When our pranic body is strong, we feel less fear and more joy, vibrant and even youthful, healthy, and active. Kirtan is one way to clear out blockages and make space for more of what you love in your life!
Join your ATMY+W Family in welcoming local yogi/musician friends, Sangita Sisters, for an evening of community jubilation
and uplifted spirits.
Open your heart, feel connected, and find your voice!
Donations are graciously accepted, no one will be turned away
for lack of funds.
If you are able, please support the growth and vitality of the All That Matters yoga + wellness community with your ticket purchase.
There are 3 online ticket options: $11, $16 or $22.
All proceeds for this event go directly to supporting scholarship opportunities for future kirtan events.
You can also make a donation of any amount at the door, via Venmo, at our Front Desk, or directly on the ATMY+W fundraising platform, Better World.
with Candy Phelan
Upcoming Sessions:
Saturday, April 12 | 1:00-2:00pm
"I don’t know what ya got. You know what you got?" -
The words of my yoga teacher and a dear friend of ATMY+W,
Devarshi Steven Hartman
This FREE peer to peer support group is for people living with a chronic illness. An opportunity to offer insights and share your personal experiences, feelings, and common issues/challenges. This is a place to support each other on our journey. Autoimmune issues such as: chronic Lyme, cancer, MS, and heart disease are just some examples of chronic illnesses. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with it for years, we welcome you with open arms and hearts. These meetings may include guest speakers, some light movement (appropriate for this in attendance), and meditation.
This group is led by Candy, yoga teacher, front desk goddess, and person living with Multiple Sclerosis for the last 17 years. Please join us!
NOTE: This is a peer-to-peer community support group. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or otherwise take the place of a health and wellness professional.
“Just because my path is different, doesn’t mean I’m lost.”
—C. Esther DeWolde
Reiki ("ray-key") is an ancient system of natural healing. In Japanese, Reiki means Universal Life Energy, and this system is used to transmit energy through the hands. Gentle and non-invasive, Reiki is a simple, natural means to relieve stress and promote balance, harmony and wellness. Reiki trainings and private Reiki sessions have been a part of the offerings in our ATMYW community since 1995. These workshops are an invaluable foundation for self-transformation, healing, and for anyone developing a healing practice. First Degree introduces you to hands-on-healing, the history of Reiki, and the energy centers of the body. Learn how to give a Reiki treatment to yourself, others,
and your animal friends.
Cherie is trained in Usui Reiki and teaches it in all of her Reiki classes. Usui Reiki is both powerful and gentle and provides purification,
healing, empowerment and guidance.
with Cherie Conover
2-Day Training
Friday, February 21 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Sunday, February 23 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
2-Day Training
Friday, March 21 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Sunday, March 23 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Next Session:
Friday, April 4 | 6:00-8:00 pm
The Reiki Support Circle is an opportunity for those trained in Reiki to gather and practice together. This circle will give participants a chance to give and receive Reiki. This is only open to students who have been trained in Reiki at All That Matters Yoga + Wellness.
This is a FREE offering.
ATMY+W's Scholarship Fund was established to help remove financial obstacles and make our programs more accessible and equitable to all in our community. We are committed to supporting individuals interested in discovering their potential through yoga, mindfulness, healing arts and connection. Our work is to hold safe space for
EVERY body and to cultivate an inclusive and welcoming community that represents the diversity of our human experience.
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