Our team of Holistic Healing Arts practitioners are here to provide all of your alternative health care needs. Your self-care journey starts here.
Available 7 days a week
Our licensed massage therapists offer healing treatments customized to fit your needs and nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Sessions may include Swedish relaxation and/or deep tissue massage, personalized to your body and preferences, with the overall theme being your health and wellbeing. Tension, stress, injuries, and areas of discomfort are addressed, using a variety of physical and energetic techniques to leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
30/60/90-minute sessions — $55/$95/$125
Fascial tissue is a thin membrane that is continuous through the whole body, wrapping around and throughout our musculature (about 40% of each muscle is comprised of fascia!), connecting muscles to bones, and interweaving all organs, nerves, and blood vessels.
It provides structure and allows different muscles to stretch while still holding their distinct forms. Soft, pliable, stretchy, and slick; it serves as a lubricant. As we age, for reasons of physical and emotional stress/trauma, disease, habit patterns, etc., fascial tissue becomes rigid, dense, tight, and short. It goes from being a lubricant to being an adhesive, affecting the structure of our bodies and often causing tension and pain.
The primary goal of Myofascial Release Massage is to return fascial tissue to its earlier, healthier state. Due to the continuous nature of fascia, we address not only the areas of pain, but also the structures surrounding them
(for example, to address low back pain we may also work on the hips, legs, and abdomen). Moderate to deep pressure is applied (as tolerated), stretching the fascia to create space, increase flexibility, and decrease pain.
Myofascial Release Massage is not only excellent for addressing general discomforts, but also a highly effective treatment to address chronic pain, assist in post-surgical recovery, healing from injuries, etc. This work is performed on a massage table, similar to a regular massage, but without oil or lotion. Please refrain from using any greasy and/or deeply moisturizing lotion of the day of your appointment, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the work.
60/90-minute sessions
The Sacred Art of Thai Yoga Bodywork (TYB) is an ancient holistic healing art that harmonizes mind, body, and spirit. Practiced in Thailand for over 2,500 years, TYB has its roots in ayurvedic medicine as well as Buddhist and yogic practices and is based on the theory that the body’s vital energy flows through channels called Sen.
TYB seeks to release energy blockages, which restores equilibrium.
Benefits can include:
TYB is performed on a floor mat in a safe, relaxing environment in a warm room with soft lighting and gentle music.
This type of environment creates the sacred space necessary for the recipient to experience the internal and external changes that unfold through TYB.
The TYB practitioner uses her palms, forearms, elbows, knees, and feet in a fusion of techniques, such as reflexology, joint mobilization, assisted yoga stretches, unhurried twists, and pressing movement that is rhythmical, flowing, and smooth.
A traditional TYB session lasts between 1½ and 2 hours.
An hour-long treatment can also be designed to meet individual needs. Recipients should wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Offered Thursday and Fridays
60/90/120-minute sessions:
$110 / $150/ $200
Available 7 days a week
A wonderful complement to traditional prenatal care*, these treatments promote overall wellness for both mother and child. Each therapeutic massage session addresses common discomforts that arise during pregnancy, while offering deep rest, relaxation, and comfort.
60/90-minute sessions — $95/$125
*Consult your doctor/midwife before booking a prenatal massage session.
This gentle, hands-on method of healing is used to evaluate and enhance the functioning of the craniosacral system—comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and
protect the brain and spinal cord—to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Soft adjustments complement the body’s natural healing processes, release built up tension, and allow the entire body to relax and
CranioSacral sessions are typically done fully clothed, work with a light touch, and are often described as very relaxing and restorative. This is an effective stand-alone therapy as well as an excellent complement to other healing modalities.
CranioSacral Therapy is a powerful tool in addressing conditions including, but not limited to: headaches and migraines, concussions and other traumatic brain injuries, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension related disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
30/60/90-minute sessions — $55/$95/$125
Reiki is a gentle, hands-on therapeutic technique that relieves stress, promotes balance and harmony, and supports your own healing process. This ancient and sacred healing art creates a deeply meditative and restorative experience for body, mind, and spirit. A non-invasive treatment, Reiki is done fully clothed and is appropriate for conditions ranging from fatigue to allergies, Lyme Disease to headaches. It is an effective stand-alone therapy as well as an excellent complement to other healing modalities.
30/60/90-minute sessions — 55/$95/$125
During a Reflexology session a variety of specialized techniques which feel similar to a combination of massage and acupressure are applied to reflexes to promote balance and mind - body integration. It is a relaxing way to promote your body’s natural healing, while improving circulation and encouraging immune system balance. It has been practiced throughout the world in ancient cultures including ancient Egypt, China, India, and Native America. The name "reflexology" is a relatively new term, which is used to collectively refer to ancient methods based on energy, as well as newer methods based on neurophysiology.
This therapy is a deeply relaxing footwork therapy, which uses specialized techniques on reflex points to revitalize the body as a whole. This stress relieving therapy promotes the alpha state of relaxation, improves circulation, and restores a state of balance, enabling the body to heal itself. Each session starts with a warm aromatherapy foot bath or foot compress, then progresses to a cushioned massage table with warm towels.
30/60/90-minute sessions —
During a Reflexology session a variety of specialized techniques which feel similar to a combination of massage and acupressure are applied to reflexes to promote balance and mind - body integration. It is a relaxing way to promote your body’s natural healing, while improving circulation and encouraging immune system balance. It has been practiced throughout the world in ancient cultures including ancient Egypt, China, India, and Native America. The name "reflexology" is a relatively new term, which is used to collectively refer to ancient methods based on energy, as well as newer methods based on neurophysiology.
R & R for the mother to be! This form of foot reflexology aids lymphatic drainage, and reduces swelling. It is specially designed for expecting mothers. It starts with a warm foot bath, and then moves to a cushioned massage table with a pregnancy wedge. (Please consult your primary care provider before any therapy when pregnant).
30/60/90-minute sessions —
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine offer a sophisticated holistic approach to treating existing illnesses and injuries, preventing their recurrence, and improving overall health. Acupuncture, the gentle insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body, stimulates movement of energy within the body, allowing natural healing to take place. This multifaceted system works on many levels, from the purely physical to the emotional and spiritual. Whether you're suffering from musculoskeletal pain, a common cold, or a chronic ailment, acupuncture can address not only your symptoms, but also the root cause of the symptoms.
Our acupuncturist is Dr. Maria Durfee.
Initial Consultation:
90-minute session — $150
Follow Up Visits:
60-minute session — $95
Acupuncture is available on Wednesdays at ATMY+W
with Maria Durfee, D.Acu
Chiropractic is a healing art that focuses on the relationship between structure and function and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health. Dr. David Dwyer offers diagnosis, treatment and recommendations for a wide range of conditions. Hands on techniques, exercises and lifestyle modifications are used to alleviate stress upon the body, restoring a greater degree of function and health. Dr. Dwyer offers complimentary consultations on postures and issues related to yoga practice to all All That Matters students (15 min).
To schedule an appointment please call Dr. Dwyer's main office 401-738-8154. Most insurances are accepted.
Please call for availability
Cupping uses vacuum-like devices to deeply work acupressure points and sweep away any toxins that surface from the bamboo massage. The treatment promotes vitality and flow as our therapists work along the surface of the skin using a round-edged instrument. It is not unusual for clients to continue to feel the positive effects of this treatment many days after receiving it.
Available Mondays for In-Person from 11am - 3pm
+ Thursday for Virtual Sessions 11am - 3pm
This service offers consciousness, embodiment and coaching practices to create personal freedom, intimacy and empowerment. Sessions provide clarity, connection and alignment to your truest essence for the sake of life fulfillment
and transformation.
A typical session may include aspects of attunement, space holding, intuition, topic exploration, powerful inquiries, physical movement, emotional and energetic release, and higher self wisdom integration. All cognitive, physical, expressive and relational interventions are adapted to specific individual needs.
Gain insight into what is subconsciously driving you, have the ability to choose differently and co-create your present moment based on the true desires of your heart and spirit. See tangible results with deeper, more intimate relationships; accessing your creativity, inspiration and gifts; connecting to your purpose; and, living into the courage to step forward with aliveness.
If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, overwhelm, inertia, self-sabotage, frustration, or simply going through one of life's many transitions, Holistic Therapeutic Coaching is here to support you. To learn more visit Core Vitality
Free Discovery Session:
20-minute Zoom session
Initial Appointment:
75-minute session — $125
Follow Up Visits: 60-minute session — $100
10% Member discount off initial appointments only
Follow Up Packages Available
3 pack for $270 (10% savings)
6 pack for $510 (15% savings)
Your Psychic reading is a personalized experience of Intuitive guidance and spiritual mentorship for
enlightenment on your Soul path.
Each session may also include any or a blend of the following :
Aura reading, tarot and oracle card readings,
and reiki infused healing
What is the difference between a Psychic Reading
and Mediumship?
A Psychic reading is defined by connecting to a person’s energy and aura and intuitively sharing information from the Spiritual Realms to provide guidance to assist you on your Life Path.
A Mediumship reading is receiving messages of guidance, love and healing from loved ones in Spirit.
Offered Mondays with Erin Leone
90/120-minute sessions:
$125 / $165
Group sessions available, to inquire please
call 401.409.2121 or Email info@allthatmatterswellness.org
for availability.
Packages Available:
90-Minute 3-pack for $330 (12% savings)
120 Minute 3-pack for $435 (12% savings)
Receive an Archangel Card reading to receive messages and guidance from the most benevolent, loving beings,
the Archangels.
A reading channels your guardian angels to bring you messages, guidance and direction for specific issues in your life.
60 minute sessions: $125
Offered Mondays with Erin Leone
with Carter Tracy
All Astrology | Human Design Appointments are Booked On Request
These sessions require a minimum of 2 days advance prep time
Group sessions available, to inquire please
call 401.409.2121 or Email info@allthatmatterswellness.org
for availability.
Carter has a special gift of clear, intuitive insight with tarot, she uses the Thoth deck, which is one of the original tarot card decks, created in 1943 with stunning “Art Nouveau” styled artwork by Lady Frieda Harris.The reading includes a 9-card custom spread depicting the overview and trajectory of a compelling life theme.
Carter’s mastery and training in pastoral guidance brings the reading into crystal clear focus with the circumstances
of your life and aims.
Clients may also request a "relationship reading" which uses a custom 7-card spread and offers insight into the dynamics of a particular relationship.
$60 (30-Minute Session)
with Carter Tracy
If your life was a movie, your Astrology Birth Chart is the Script!
Carter has over 15-years of experience reading astrology charts professionally as well as a Master’s degree in pastoral theology and guidance. She will explain to you what your Astrology birth chart says about the hero's journey of your life as well as the implications of present-day transits of the planets.
For beginners to astrology,
Carter will explain the symbolism of planets and their meanings with respect to their placement in your astrology chart
in clear and simple detail.
For returning clients,
Carter will focus on what to expect with upcoming planetary transits.
The session includes a print-out of your Astrology chart.
$150 (60-Minute Session)
If Your Astrology Chart is the movie script to your life, then your Human Design Chart is the instruction manual to becoming the Oscar Winning actor!
Human Design is a modern synthesis of four ancient systems: Western Astrology, the Chinese I-Ching, the Chakra System and the Kaballah.
It is used to describe the specific energetic pathways of your body’s aura and how to navigate most effectively in your energy to avoid resistance and get the most out of your life.
You are one of five Aura-types, and each Aura-type has specific guidance on how to make skillful decisions for optimal results. Human Design is an invitation into the practice of living by your specific strategy and authority according to your Aura-type and details of your chart. Living your strategy & authority will bring you to satisfaction, success, peace and surprise, depending on your specific type.
In Carter's personal experience, Human Design can be a powerful tool towards healing your life’s direction if you are struggling with making your circumstances work out well.
Your Human Design reading includes a
a 5-page summary + your chart
$185 (60-Minute Session)
The Activation Reading is for an individual who is truly ready to transform their life
by living in alignment with their archetypal blueprint.
This 90-minute reading is a unique synthesis of traditional Astrology and the newer modality of Human Design, bringing the two together for a comprehensive insight into the nature of your being and your unfolding path. It is intended to activate a deep sense of confidence and self-knowing in you as well as provide you with your specific strategies to achieve success and well-being in your life and all your endeavors.
Human Design explores your individual energy patterns based on the chakra system of embodied energy centers and channels. Your Human Design blueprint is based on your Astrology chart and the patterns of energy described in the reading come from the 64-gates of the
I-Ching, the oldest known
divination system on Earth.
An Activation Reading includes an overview of your Astrology Birth Chart but is briefer than an individual Astrology Chart Reading. The focus is on putting your Human Design analysis into the context of your Astrology chart.
Your reading includes a detailed Human Design report with Astrology Chart
(10-15 pages)
$222 (90-Minute Session)
In this reading, Carter analyzes the astrology birth chart of you and of a loved one, as well as both a compatibility (synastry)chart and a composite chart. (Four unique charts are analyzed in total). This thorough session will highlight intricate dynamics of your relationship – its purpose, path, the positives and the potential challenges. This is an excellent tool if you are considering whether to take the next step in a relationship – such as move in together, get married,
or file for divorce.
4-Chart Reading for 1 person: $200
(75-Minute Session)
4-Chart Reading for 2 people: $240
(90-Minute Session)
This special offering is a 2-hour intensive for an individual facing a giant life block or change-of-course
and needing some answers…Fast!
This session is a deep dive into Carter’s expertise - drawing on all her modalities: Astrology, Human Design and a Tarot Card Reading and advanced training in Pastoral Guidance, to create for you as much clarity as possible as to what
your next step is and where your
new direction may lead.
In your time together, Carter will guide you in creating a vision
of success and a next-step action plan, so you leave empowered by your renewed sense of direction and the confidence needed to stay on track.
Your reading includes a detailed Human Design report with Astrology Chart
(10-15 pages)
$300 (120-Minute Session)
By request only.
Call 401.409.2121 or Email info@allthatmatterswellness.org
for availability.
While group yoga classes are an effective way of learning and practicing, there may come a time when a student's needs can best be served in a one-on-one relationship with a teacher. In a private yoga session, there is undivided attention to your yoga practice, tailoring the session to your individual needs.
There are many reasons for engaging in a private yoga session including, but not limited to:
Sessions may be booked for an individual or a pair of students.
Two person appointments must be booked by one client, who assumes all responsibility for booking and communication with ATMY+W.
60-minute sessions: $100 for 1 student
$150 for 2 students
Packages of 6 (10% savings, expires after 1 year):
$540 for 1 student, $810 for 2 students
Yoga for Parkinson's and Neurological Challenges is a specialized yoga practice, guided by a certified and experienced yoga teacher. This practice is designed to
induces relaxation, lessens tremors, reduces muscle tension and other pains, diminishes rigidity, improves balance and coordination, improves sleep, muscle strength and motor control, enhances focus, concentration and alertness, increases flexibility, creates deeper, easier breathing, provides tools to stand tall with great posture, balances emotions, calms the mind,
and creates a peaceful spirit.
Available by Request
60-Minute Initial Consultation: $25 initial consult
1:1 Session/ 60-Minutes: $75
Package of 3 x 1:1 Sessions: $200 [save 10%)
John brings ten years of experience to his massage practice, offering a therapeutic treatment, which blends Swedish massage with acupressure and deep tissue techniques. John creates an experience that suits his clients’ specific needs, whatever they may be. His work ranges in helping those achieve relief from insomnia, migraines, and spor
John brings ten years of experience to his massage practice, offering a therapeutic treatment, which blends Swedish massage with acupressure and deep tissue techniques. John creates an experience that suits his clients’ specific needs, whatever they may be. His work ranges in helping those achieve relief from insomnia, migraines, and sport injuries, as well as those who are looking for relaxation. His serene approach offers harmony, balance, and ease to your busy life.
John is a graduate of the SPA Tech Institute in Westboro, MA. He is licensed by the state of Rhode Island and is a member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). John is an avid bicyclist and enjoys exercise. He is also a volunteer for the Rhode Island Massage Crisis Team, which provides chair massage with a first response team after disasters.
Inspired by her experience as a yoga teacher, Morgan began her journey as a massage therapist to honor her love of anatomy and inviting balance to the body. With an understanding of movement, structural alignment, and energetic anatomy, Morgan guides her clients towards a more relaxed presence in their bodies through gentle or firm massag
Inspired by her experience as a yoga teacher, Morgan began her journey as a massage therapist to honor her love of anatomy and inviting balance to the body. With an understanding of movement, structural alignment, and energetic anatomy, Morgan guides her clients towards a more relaxed presence in their bodies through gentle or firm massage pressure and positional release. Her intuitive and nurturing touch is infused into a variety of modalities including swedish relaxation massage, deep tissue sculpting, myofascial release, acupressure, craniosacral therapy, and energy work. Each treatment with Morgan is a blend of techniques carefully woven together to suit the body and spirit of her clients.
Morgan is a graduate of the Bancroft School of Massage Therapy, nationally certified and licensed by the state of Rhode Island, and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). She’s completed multiple trainings in reiki, prenatal and postpartum massage, craniosacral therapy, and most recently oncology massage. Morgan is passionate about the power of gentle touch in releasing chronic pain and stress from all layers of the body.
Sheri brings over 23 years' experience teaching yoga to her healing sessions.
She guides from the wisdom of leaning into the body as a revelatory process and evolutionary practice.
Her continual exploration of sacred embodiment is woven with extensive study in Yoga, Dance, Thai Bodywork, Sacred Space and deep feminine guidance. Her sessio
Sheri brings over 23 years' experience teaching yoga to her healing sessions.
She guides from the wisdom of leaning into the body as a revelatory process and evolutionary practice.
Her continual exploration of sacred embodiment is woven with extensive study in Yoga, Dance, Thai Bodywork, Sacred Space and deep feminine guidance. Her sessions are designed to break through the superficial layers of old habits, and to integrate healing as wholeness and cultivate the aliveness
we all crave.
While trying to discover a new passion in life, David found that massage therapy came naturally to him. He enjoys learning and acquiring new knowledge and techniques about massage so he can both treat and educate his clients. David offers therapeutic Swedish massage and incorporates firm, deep tissue techniques. He prioritizes his clie
While trying to discover a new passion in life, David found that massage therapy came naturally to him. He enjoys learning and acquiring new knowledge and techniques about massage so he can both treat and educate his clients. David offers therapeutic Swedish massage and incorporates firm, deep tissue techniques. He prioritizes his clients’ needs to ensure their treatment is molded to their preference and they leave relaxed and ready to take on the challenges in everyday life.
David graduated from Lincoln Technical Institute as a Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork Technician. He is licensed by the State of Rhode Island and is also a member of the AMTA. In his free time David likes to stay active by indoor rock climbing, running, breathwork, and yoga.
Maria earned her Master of Science Degree at the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of Hawaii, and a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the State of Rhode Island. She is a certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.) by the National Certification Commis
Maria earned her Master of Science Degree at the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is a Licensed Acupuncturist in the State of Hawaii, and a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the State of Rhode Island. She is a certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.) by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Maria has traveled to Tianjin and Guangzhou and completed advanced courses in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture & Moxibustion, and Clinical Practice. She has also traveled to Kenya for National Acupuncture Detoxification (NADA) Training, and as part of The Omari Project, providing NADA and Acupuncture to communities in Faza, Malindi, and Lamu.
Maria believes we are all capable of filling our lives with joy and everyday miracles! She experiences this while out in nature, from playing in the ocean to digging in the garden; and most of all, while witnessing alongside her husband, all the wonders and hilarity of life, through their four active and openhearted children.
Julianne Eanniello is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of expertise in the holistic health field. Her practices emphasize the interconnectedness of the mind and body in promoting deep healing and well-being. She aims to support individuals in their journey towards holistic wellness through various modalities such as Reflexology,
Julianne Eanniello is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of expertise in the holistic health field. Her practices emphasize the interconnectedness of the mind and body in promoting deep healing and well-being. She aims to support individuals in their journey towards holistic wellness through various modalities such as Reflexology, Reiki, somatic inquiry
and movement practices, and emotional release techniques.
Her holistic approach addresses not only physical ailments but also emotional, mental, and energetic imbalances, allowing clients to experience profound shifts and transformations.
Julianne’s approach to Reflexology and Reiki is infused with depth and compassion. Her skilled, intuitive touch offers more than just relief from stress or discomfort; it guides clients to a state of peace, tranquility and restoration.
A Certified Reflexologist, Somatic Inquiry Facilitator, TRE® Provider and Reiki Master, Julianne currently serves as the President of the Reflexology Association of CT (RACT). She is also an active member of the Reflexology Association of America (RAA), the Reflexology Associate of RI (RARI), the RI Holistic Healing Association (RIHHA) and the Association for Spiritual Integrity (ASI).
Before returning to the East Coast in 2022, she co-owned and operated an addiction treatment center in CA where the focus was on trauma healing through somatic inquiry and integrative practices.
After living in the desert for nearly a decade, her love for the ocean inspired her to return to her coastal community to be closer to family.
Darcy has been on her holistic healing journey for over 20 years. She is certified in a range of health modalities including massage, yoga, pilates, personal training, & aerobics instruction. She holds a Master’s Degree in Technology & Education and a former Sports massage instructor at a local state college. An avid animal lover, Darcy i
Darcy has been on her holistic healing journey for over 20 years. She is certified in a range of health modalities including massage, yoga, pilates, personal training, & aerobics instruction. She holds a Master’s Degree in Technology & Education and a former Sports massage instructor at a local state college. An avid animal lover, Darcy is also a certified equine therapist, providing hands on massage techniques for horses.
Darcy also owns Stage Hands Massage Therapy, Inc. which provides body working services backstage to touring bands and founded a non-profit subsidiary, “The Hands That Rock” whose mission is to develop programs concerned with music education, performance, related resources and outreach for individuals and groups in need. It addresses community initiatives associated with such outreach programs and groups to include environmental, social and health-related concerns to help create a suitable environment for the creation and performance of music.
Darcy is an explorer and adventurer, infusing her love of travel, music, and nature into her healing sessions offering a warm and welcoming setting and customized experience.
Her specialties include deep tissue, sports massage, and Ayurvedic techniques. As an avid sailor, and surfer, Darcy wanted to share her love of the sea and developed a healing modality that she coined “Seassage”.
This modality is a flowing, rhythmic-paced massage that incorporates a sea salt scrub infused with essential oils that detoxify, invigorate, and nourish the body.
Darcy believes that “touch” is a fundamental component to good health. Massage helps aid the ability of the body to heal itself, and increases the health and well-being
of the client.
A chiropractor in private practice in Rhode Island since 1987, Dr. David Dwyer is a dedicated yoga and meditation teacher, 4-time marathon runner, and a “Tough Mudder.” (With a team, he ran an 11-mile obstacle course designed to test strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie—and to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.) David
A chiropractor in private practice in Rhode Island since 1987, Dr. David Dwyer is a dedicated yoga and meditation teacher, 4-time marathon runner, and a “Tough Mudder.” (With a team, he ran an 11-mile obstacle course designed to test strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie—and to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.) David has done post-graduate training in neurology, acupuncture, nutrition, chiropractic and soft tissue techniques including Sacral Occipital Technique, Torque Release Technique, Network Spinal Analysis and Active Release Technique. He has been a member of the Chiropractic Society of Rhode Island and the American Chiropractic Association since 1987.
A yoga teacher at All That Matters since 1996, David began to delve into yoga in 1985 and has studied with several teachers, including Richard Freeman, David Swenson, and Eric Shiffman. He received his teacher certification through the Kripalu School of Yoga. Also a teacher of meditation, David began his practice in 1977 with Transcendental Meditation. In 1994, he began study with his current spiritual teacher, Maharishi Maheshananda (Michael Mamas). David’s yoga teaching is predominantly informed by his study of the Ashtanga system, his own experience on the yoga mat, and knowledge gained as a doctor of chiropractic. His classes favor the concepts and language of Ashtanga, which focuses on the subtle mechanics of breath as a vehicle for accessing the intelligence of the body and where asana, in its many forms, is used as a means of amplifying the expression of that intelligence.
Kerry has been supporting individuals since 2005. She initially became inspired by anything and everything related to personal growth and development in her twenties.
As she navigated professional corporate life, she was eager to learn more about the personal growth field. She completed a year-long Co-Active (Life) Coaching program, a 20
Kerry has been supporting individuals since 2005. She initially became inspired by anything and everything related to personal growth and development in her twenties.
As she navigated professional corporate life, she was eager to learn more about the personal growth field. She completed a year-long Co-Active (Life) Coaching program, a 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training, obtained her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Holistic Counseling from Salve Regina University.
And, most recently, Kerry completed a four-year program with the New York Institute of Core Energetics.
In her passion-filled work, Kerry feels blessed to be given the opportunity to integrate all of her experiences, trainings and interests into Holistic Therapeutic Coaching services and privileged to gifted the opportunity to walk alongside her clients on their personal growth journeys.
Kerry fosters connection by use of attunement practices creating safe spaces for bodymind integration and learning, as well as forward momentum. She and her clients dive deep resourcing clarity and self-trust, cultivating authenticity and inner peace and activating positive changes in their lives. With her ability to intuit and actively listen, Kerry uses a warm-hearted, methodical and holistic approach that is customized to the clients’ motivations, preferences and needs.
For more information visit corevitality.life
Erin is an Intuitive Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master, Angel Communicator, Angel Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, Quartz Singing Bowl Harmonizer, Spiritual Advisor and Mentor. Since 2012 Erin has shared her gifts to connect with individuals on the soul level.
She is a Certified Reiki Master and has completed several workshops and traini
Erin is an Intuitive Medium, Psychic, Reiki Master, Angel Communicator, Angel Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, Quartz Singing Bowl Harmonizer, Spiritual Advisor and Mentor. Since 2012 Erin has shared her gifts to connect with individuals on the soul level.
She is a Certified Reiki Master and has completed several workshops and trainings to hone her skills in Mediumship, Psychic, Angel Communication, and Oracle card readings. Erin has also co-taught Beginner & Intermediate Mediumship and Psychic classes. Bringing more than a decade of experience to her practice, she enjoys continuing to learn and grow; enhancing and building upon all her spiritual talents.
Erin recognizes the direct correlation between spiritual guidance and enlightenment and the overall healing effects on a person’s mind, body and soul. She personally connects to all clients and tailors the healing session specifically for you. Her intuitive insights provide spiritual guidance to ensure the best and highest outcome for all. Erin loves using her skills to help others to find and connect to their own inner light and finding happiness within themselves.
Carter Tracy, M.Div has been a practicing Astrologer for 15 years. Using a combination of traditional Hellenistic and contemporary Western techniques, she uses Astrology as a tool to guide people in discovering who they really are when all the social conditioning and expectations are stripped away. Carter received her M.Div degree from t
Carter Tracy, M.Div has been a practicing Astrologer for 15 years. Using a combination of traditional Hellenistic and contemporary Western techniques, she uses Astrology as a tool to guide people in discovering who they really are when all the social conditioning and expectations are stripped away. Carter received her M.Div degree from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in 2008, along with certificates in Women in Theology & Ministry and in Clinical Pastoral Education.
A life-long yogi and meditator, she finds joy by gardening, star-gazing and performing in Cabaret-style nightclubs.
Carter believes that people are happiest when they live authentically and celebrate their uniqueness; this self-knowledge allows people to live life with confidence, clarity, and ease, and offer more openness to others. To her, this is the foundation of a peaceful society.
E-RYT-200, Yoga 4 Cancer Certified Instructor
Amanda is a creative soul with a calming presence and compassionate heart. She began practicing yoga as a means of self-care while raising two young children and fell in love with the practice, along with the presence and inner peace she began to experience on and off the mat. Inspired by her t
E-RYT-200, Yoga 4 Cancer Certified Instructor
Amanda is a creative soul with a calming presence and compassionate heart. She began practicing yoga as a means of self-care while raising two young children and fell in love with the practice, along with the presence and inner peace she began to experience on and off the mat. Inspired by her teachers’ embodiment of yoga and its profound effects on her life, Amanda completed her 200-hour teacher certification with Pranotthan Yoga School in partnership with All That Matters in April 2018.
After being by her mother’s side throughout the various stages of her cancer journey, Amanda felt called to complete yoga4cancer (y4c) 45-hour teacher training in March 2019, so she could offer yoga to those in treatment, recovery, and beyond. She was introduced to Reiki and witnessed its positive effects while her mother received Reiki during her chemotherapy infusions. Currently, Amanda is a
Reiki Master, offering Reiki weekly at the infusion unit at South County Health Cancer Center and private sessions at All That Matters Yoga + Wellness.
Amanda leads her yoga practice from the heart and encourages students to listen to and honor the voice within. She creates a safe, supportive, nurturing space for students to experience yoga with an emphasis on cultivating awareness, self-compassion, and union between body, breath, and mind. Amanda is dedicated to living fully with a grateful heart and sharing her passion for yoga, Reiki, and mindful living with others.
To support your health we offer discounts on health service packages for reiki, therapeutic massage therapy, and reflexology.
Consider purchasing a package and save while committing to your health. Packages are valid for one year from date of purchase.
Please Note: Health Service Packages cannot be used for acupuncture.
If you need to reschedule your appointment, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance of your appointment start time. Appointments cancelled within 24 hours of appointment start time are non-refundable. Health Service Package holders who cancel within 24 hours will be deducted one service from their package.
*Note: We ask that our clients stay home if they are sick, to honor the health of our Providers and other clients. If you are experiencing a fever or if you wake up with cold/flu symptoms, please contact All That Matters as soon as possible to reschedule with no penalty. If we do not hear from you in advance, and you do not show up for your appointment, refunding/rescheduling is not available.
ATMY+W's Scholarship Fund was established to help remove financial obstacles and make our programs more accessible and equitable to all in our community. We are committed to supporting individuals interested in discovering their potential through yoga, mindfulness, healing arts and connection. Our work is to hold safe space for
EVERY body and to cultivate an inclusive and welcoming community that represents the diversity of our human experience.
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